Park Lab EXPT.07 Does catch cross the boundaries of play?

Explanatory note

Light, mid-tempo background music place. Artificial grass lines the floor of the small Sony Park Mini room. The vertical monitor of a Telepresence System "MADO" is arranged at the far wall. In the foreground, a woman in a white blouse and black pants holds a smartphone in one hand with a strap attached to her wrist. She stands facing the monitor. Four small speakers are arranged at equal intervals between her feet and the screen. The monitor displays a separate room lined with the same artificial grass. From the other side, a person in a black shirt and gray pants stands and faces the monitor. The same small speakers are arranged at intervals between their feet. The person at Sony Park Mini faces the person on the other side of the monitor and performs a throwing motion with the smartphone in their hand.


Park Lab

Does catch cross the boundaries of play?

Sony Park Mini

Explanatory note

The screen cuts to various locations in succession, showing the spacious underground passageway of Ginza Station, followed by the front of Sony Park Mini as seen from the corner of the Nishi-Ginza underground parking lot that converges into the passageway. Written on the exterior glass wall is text reading "Park Lab EXPT.07 2023.7.11-7.25" and "Does catch cross the boundaries of play?" Inside, the floor is lined with artificial grass and a vertical monitor is arranged against the wall. The screen cuts to an exterior shot of a white, mesh-patterned building that stands at the intersection of Ginza 4-chome, then to a close-up shot of the Sony logo hanging from the ceiling of Sony Store Ginza, which is located inside the building. Finally, the screen cuts to a corner of Sony Store Ginza that is arranged identically to Sony Park Mini, with artificial grass on the floor, a vertical monitor along the wall, and small speakers arranged at equal intervals outwards from the monitor. The interior of Sony Park Mini is displayed on the monitor. Written on the adjacent wall is text reading "Park Lab EXPT.07 2023.7.11-7.25" and "Does catch cross the boundaries of play?"

Explanatory note

The screen cuts to a close-up shot of a person in white sneakers standing on the artificial grass of Sony Park Mini. Inside, the woman in a white blouse smiles while facing the screen. One leg is positioned slightly in front of the other, and she holds a smartphone equipped with a strap. The screen cuts to Sony Store Ginza, where the person in the black shirt stands facing the monitor, holding a smartphone equipped with a strap.

The screen splits into two, with the person from Sony Park Mini on the left, and the person from Sony Store Ginza on the right. They face one another.

The person at Sony Store Ginza holds their smartphone at face level. The screen cuts to a close up of the hand of the person at Sony Park Mini. A blue ball is visible on the screen of their smartphone. They face the person on the monitor and perform a vigorous throwing motion with the smartphone in their hand. A woosh sound accompanies the movement of their hand. To illustrate the speed of the virtual ball leaving their hand, the small speakers placed at equal intervals emit three beeping sounds. The person on the other side of the monitor holds a button on their smartphone while moving to catch the ball in time with the beeping sound. An impact sound plays when they catch the ball followed by the sound effect of a cheering crowd.

Next, the person at Sony Store Ginza performs a gentle throwing motion with their smartphone towards the person at Sony Park Mini. A humming sound accompanies the movement of their hand. Three beeping sounds play to illustrate the slow speed of the virtual ball leaving their hand. An impact sound plays when the person at Sony Park Mini catches the ball with their smartphone followed by the sound effect of a cheering crowd.

Next, the person at Sony Park Mini throws the ball underhanded toward the person at Sony Store Ginza. A distinct whizzing sound accompanies the motion of their hand. The screen splits into two with the person from Sony Park Mini on the left, and the person from Sony Store Ginza on the right. They face each other and play catch. The person at Sony Park Ginza times their movement to the beeping sounds to catch the flying virtual ball overhead.

Next, the person at Sony Store Ginza throws the ball with a waving motion, and the person at Sony Park moves to catch it. The two continue to play the virtual "XR Catch" game, using various motions to throw and catch the ball.

The screen cuts to the exterior of Sony Park Mini. The white, empty room is visible through the glass wall.


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Park Lab

Sony Park Mini

Explanatory note

The screen suddenly fades to black. A flash of color emanates from the center accompanied by a pinging sound. The color expands outwards. The screen fades to black again, and a white Sony logo appears.