
Sony Park Exhibition

A Fun, Experiential Program with Six Artists Participating on Six Themes

The six fields in which the ever-changing Sony is currently engaged in - games, music, movies, electronics, semiconductors, and finance - have been interpreted into a fun event. Joining this experiential program are six artists, Taiiku Okazaki, Tamio Okuda, TOKYO SKA PARADISE ORCHESTRA, millennium parade, YOASOBI, and Creepy Nuts.

Sony Park Exhibition KYOTO (2022)

Duration: Friday, November 11 through Wednesday, November 23 (national holiday), 2022

Exterior of Venue 1 at Sony Park Exhibition KYOTO

The "Sony Park Exhibition KYOTO" was the first time the "Sony Park Exhibition" was held in a city other than Ginza, Tokyo, originally in 2021. The main venue was the former printing plant of the Kyoto Shimbun, which is usually not open to the public. The six artists and their projects came together in a 1,000-square meter underground space that is 10 meters high. At the second venue, the ROHM Theatre Kyoto, a special exhibition was presented with the theme of Sony's history, featuring a collection of Sony products and related items from the past. The exhibit included an actual Walkman® that Andy Warhol had used, symbolizing the contact with the culture and users of each era.

[Information] "Sony Park Exhibition KYOTO" held in Kyoto in November 2022 won the Exhibition Design Award of the "iF Design Award 2024", one of the world's three major design awards, and the Gold Award at the "KUKAN DESIGN AWARD2023".



The Kyoto Shimbun Former Printing Plant, Venue 1 of Sony Park Exhibition KYOTO
ROHM Theatre Kyoto, Venue 2 of Sony Park Exhibition KYOTO
Interior of Venue 1 at Sony Park Exhibition KYOTO
Interior of Venue 2 at Sony Park Exhibition KYOTO
Giant Jackal in the interior of Venue 1 at Sony Park Exhibition KYOTO
Sony products over the company's history, in the interior of Venue 2 at Sony Park Exhibition KYOTO

Sony Park Exhibition (2021)

Duration: Saturday, June 26 through Thursday, September 30, 2021

Exterior of the Sony Park Exhibition

The exhibit was held at Ginza Sony Park in prior to the start of construction work for the "New Ginza Sony Park" which began in October 2021, scheduled for completion in 2024. Over the course of three months, six events were held under the theme of "The six fields in which the ever-changing Sony is currently engaged in" At the same time, three events with the themes of technology and design were held. Also, as a symbol of its unchanging DNA, the opening of "Bar Morita" commemorated the 100th anniversary of the birth of Akio Morita, one of the founders of Sony and the Sony Building.
The exhibition was well received by more than 1 million* visitors during the period.

*Includes online participants

Bird's eye view of Ginza Sony Park
Sony Park Exhibition wall sign
GAME with okazakitaiiku
MUSIC with Tamio Okuda
CINEMA with millennium parade
ELECTRONICS with Creepy Nuts